Stephen D. Pfeffer
District Court Judge
1st Judicial District
Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, and Santa Fe Counties
Year: 2002
Evaluation: Judge Pfeffer received relatively high ratings in this evaluation, particularly from court staff. This group identified his specific strengths in the areas of fairness, courtesy and overall judicial performance. In addition, Judge Pfeffer shows a strong commitment to preparation and legal research. Since being transferred to the criminal docket, Judge Pfeffer continues to pursue studies and research in the areas of criminal law and procedure as part of his ongoing goal to be as proficient as possible. Judge Pfeffer exhibits a positive attitude toward self-improvement, indicating that he strives to improve in all areas.
Experience & Education: Judge Pfeffer has served as an Assistant City Attorney and has worked in private practice. He also worked twenty years as a sole practitioner prior to being appointed to the District Court in December 1996. He was elected District Judge in November 1998. Prior to appointment, Judge Pfeffer served as a volunteer for a landlord-tenant hotline and women's health services organization. He was also a member of the New Mexico Bar Association and the New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association. Judge Pfeffer received both his undergraduate and his law degree from the University of Denver.