Final Statement of Use of New Mexico Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission Information

By Denise Torres, Chair
Lee Hunt, Vice Chair

The information posted by the New Mexico Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission (JPEC) on our website and published in newspapers is intended for public use. We welcome its use by other organizations that want to help us get the word out on our evaluations of judges standing for retention. However, we do require the following:

1) Please identify the organization that is sponsoring the message, per §§ 1-19-16 and 1-19-17 of the New Mexico Campaign Reporting Act, so that it is not implied that it is coming from the New Mexico Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission;

2) You are welcome to direct individuals to our website and hotline, but please also include contact information (phone number, website url and/or email address) for your organization so that they can contact YOU with any questions about information you have published or distributed;

3) Please check the accuracy of any information you use that is attributed to NMJPEC; and

4) Please DO NOT use our logo without our permission.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chelsea Canon at the Administrative Office of the Courts, (505) 216-8476.