Cindy M. Mercer
The Honorable

Cindy M. Mercer

District Court Judge
13th Judicial District
Cibola, Sandoval, and Valencia Counties

Year: 2024

Recommendation: Retain

Election Results:

Evaluation: Judge Cindy Mercer’s overall survey results were positive. Judge Mercer was rated highly by attorneys for conducting herself in a manner free from impropriety or the appearance of impropriety, being courteous to all participants, demonstrating appropriate demeanor on the bench, conducting herself in a manner free from arrogance, being punctual in commencing proceedings, being attentive to the proceedings, maintaining proper control over the proceedings, and being able to decisively rule on procedural and substantive matters. In addition, court staff and jurors rated her highly on all attributes. Resource staff (e.g., law enforcement officers, CASA volunteers, CYFD, interpreters, etc.) rated Judge Mercer positively for behaving in a manner that encourages respect for the courts, being attentive to the proceedings, and maintaining proper control over the proceedings.

Experience & Education: Judge Cindy Mercer was elected to the District Court bench in November 2014. Prior to taking the bench, she worked as an attorney in the areas of criminal defense, domestic relations, neglect and abuse, and wills and probate. Judge Mercer received her undergraduate degree from New Mexico State University in 1991 and her law degree from the University of Nebraska in 1997.


Attorneys (n=66, 30% Response Rate)
Category Agree Partly Agree/ Partly Disagree Disagree
Exhibits Integrity 94% 3% 3%
Fair and Impartial 92% 3% 5%
Knowledgeable of Law 87% 8% 5%
Communication is Clear 93% 4% 3%
Appropriate Demeanor 94% 3% 3%
Properly Controls Proceedings 95% 2% 3%
Court Staff (n=25)
Category Agree Partly Agree/ Partly Disagree Disagree
Exhibits Integrity 96% 4% 0%
Respects Court Employees 92% 0% 8%
Jurors (n=12, 43% Response Rate)
Category Agree Partly Agree/ Partly Disagree Disagree
Exhibits Integrity 100% 0% 0%
Fair and Impartial 100% 0% 0%
Communication is Clear 96% 4% 0%
Appropriate Demeanor 100% 0% 0%
Properly Controls Proceedings 100% 0% 0%
Resource Staff (n=10)
Category Agree Partly Agree/ Partly Disagree Disagree
Exhibits Integrity 90% 0% 10%
Fair and Impartial 65% 25% 10%
Communication is Clear 78% 11% 11%
Appropriate Demeanor 90% 0% 10%
Properly Controls Proceedings 90% 10% 0%


*On the tables above, the “Agree” columns are comprised of the strongly agree and agree responses. Similarly, the “Disagree” columns are comprised of the strongly disagree and disagree responses. The combined percentage of “Agree”, “Disagree”, and “Partly Agree/Partly Disagree” for each category may not equal 100% due to rounding error. Some of the percentages that are reported in the above categories are an average of more than one question that appeared on the survey.