Daniel "Dan" Sanchez
District Court Judge
1st Judicial District
Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, and Santa Fe Counties
Year: 2008
Evaluation: Judge Daniel Sanchez scored well among attorneys for treating self-represented litigants fairly, maintaining control over the proceedings, and for being courteous to all participants. The court staff rated the judge positively for respecting all court employees regardless of their position, and for ensuring his personal staff is professional, productive and knowledgeable. The resource staff (e.g. law enforcement officers, etc.) rated Judge Sanchez well for being courteous to all participants, being attentive to the proceedings, and for conducting himself in a manner free from impropriety. Some attorneys rate Judge Sanchez slightly lower when it comes to his knowledge regarding substantive law, the rules of procedure and evidence and for not always being prompt in scheduling hearings and trials. Judge Sanchez's scores have improved in all areas since his previous evaluation in 2005.
Experience & Education: Judge Sanchez has been on the bench for nine years. He was appointed by the New Mexico Supreme Court to hear all water cases in the First Judicial District. He has also conducted a number of presentations on Domestic Violence and Trial Practice and Procedures. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of New Mexico and his JD degree from Antioch School of Law in Washington, DC.