George P. Eichwald
District Court Judge
13th Judicial District
Cibola, Sandoval, and Valencia Counties
Year: 2008
Evaluation: Judge Eichwald received high scores from both attorneys and court staff in each area of the evaluation. Among attorneys, he received high scores for being courteous to all participants, for having a dignified demeanor, and for avoiding arrogance. Among court staff, Judge Eichwald's scores are among the highest in the district. Some of the resource staff (e.g. law enforcement and probation officers) gave the judge somewhat lower scores in displaying a basic sense of fairness and treating all participants equally. Judge Eichwald indicated a willingness to improve in these areas.
Experience & Education: Judge Eichwald was appointed District Judge on August 8, 2004 and elected on November 2, 2004. Prior to his appointment, he worked in private practice for 15 years. He is in a court of general jurisdiction; he is also the water law judge for his district and runs the Adult Drug Court for Sandoval County. He received his undergraduate and law degree from the University of New Mexico.