Robert A. Aragon
The Honorable

Robert A. Aragon

District Court Judge
11th Judicial District
McKinley and San Juan Counties

Year: 2008

Recommendation: Retain

Election Results: Retained

Evaluation: Judge Aragon's ratings were mixed. He received positive ratings for discharging responsibilities diligently, maintaining appropriate hours, being punctual with court proceedings, having appropriate demeanor and maintaining control over his courtroom. Judge Aragon received somewhat less positive ratings for writing clear, logical decisions, displaying fairness, impartiality and justice and for treating all participants equally. While Judge Aragon noted a goal of increasing his substantive knowledge, he would also profit from setting his standards somewhat higher.

Experience & Education: Judge Aragon was appointed as District Judge in 2005 and elected in 2006. Prior to his appointment, he served as District Attorney for McKinley County and was in private practice. He presides over a diversified docket and hears civil, criminal, children's court and domestic relations cases. He received both his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of New Mexico.