Deborah Davis Walker
The Honorable

Deborah Davis Walker

District Court Judge
2nd Judicial District
Bernalillo County

Year: 2008

Recommendation: Retain

Election Results: Retained

Evaluation: Judge Deborah Davis Walker received generally positive ratings overall. For example, attorneys rated Judge Walker well for being courteous to all participants, treating self-represented litigants fairly, and for appropriate actions in encouraging settlement negotiations. In addition, the court staff rated Judge Walker positively for conducting herself in a proper manner and ensuring her personal staff is professional, productive, and knowledgeable of court policies and procedures. Judge Walker strives to achieve balance between adhering to a firm schedule and addressing sensitive and difficult issues.

Experience & Education: Judge Walker was appointed District Judge in July 1997 and elected to the position in November 1998. Judge Walker is a Family Court Judge. She is also an active member in various community and professional organizations. She graduated cum laude from the University of Idaho and received her law degree from the University of Colorado.