John W. Pope
District Court Judge
13th Judicial District
Cibola, Sandoval, and Valencia Counties
Year: 2008
Evaluation: Judge John W. Pope received positive ratings as a result of this evaluation. Attorneys rated Judge Pope well in the areas of knowledge of the law, maintaining proper control over proceedings, and courtesy. Resource staff (e.g. law enforcement officers, probation officers, etc.) scored Judge Pope highly for being clear, thorough and logical in his oral decisions and communications, and for having a dignified demeanor. Since Judge Pope's last evaluation in 2005, his scores among court staff have significantly improved in almost every area. Judge Pope was formally reprimanded by the New Mexico Supreme Court in 2007 for his conduct resulting from alcohol abuse. He has taken full responsibility for his actions and has adhered to the requirements and discipline put forth by the Supreme Court and the Judicial Standards Commission. Judge John W. Pope has stated that his actions were wrong and that he is making every effort to address his issues on a daily basis. He has indicated a willingness to improve his performance on the bench and relationships with his fellow judges. Despite the formal public reprimand he received in June of 2007, which preceded this evaluation process, his scores from all survey groups were positive. The decision not to make a recommendation on retention was based on the possible impact this problem may have on Judge Pope's future judicial performance.
Experience & Education: Judge John W. Pope has served on the District Court bench since 1992. His community activities include membership in a wide variety of legal and community organizations, as well as participation in public lectures and contributions to professional and popular journals. The judge has received a number of awards and commendations for these activities. Judge Pope received his Bachelor of Arts and his Juris Doctorate from the University of New Mexico.